Creating Generic Dialogue Box in Angular 16
So, in this post we will see how to create generic dialogue box in angular with the help of ngx-bootstrap. Video Link : So, our intution is that, we will create a separate component for generic dialogue box, so that we can use it in our whole application. Step 1: install the ngx-bootstrap, run this command in CLI to install it “ ng add ngx-bootstrap ”. You can read more about ngx-bootstrap, just click here. Step 2: Create a component named “ generic-dialog-box ” inside app component. After creating this component your file structure would look like this. Now, in the ‘ app.module.ts’ import ‘ModalModule’ from ‘ ngx-bootstrap/modal ’. like this, import { ModalModule } from ‘ngx-bootstrap/modal’; and add ModalModule.forRoot() in the imports array of module.ts.file, Generic Dialog Box Compone...